Tag Archive: Learn German


Let’s learn Deutsch by translate these words. That’s not so hard. You have to pay attention on the gender of noun and the ending of verb…


Es ist innteresant…  


The Mercedes is very fast. der Mercedes ist sehr schnell.


What does the car cost? Wie veil costet das Auto?


The newspaper costs 1 Euro. die Zeitung costet ein Euro


Here is the mother but where is the girl? Hier ist die Mutter aber Wo ist die Mädchen?


When does the meeting begin? Wenn begint das Meeting?


Here is the tea without milk. Hier ist der Tee ohne Milch.


The water comes from France. das Wasser kommt aus Frankreich.


The computer game was interesting. das Computerspiel war innteresant.


Do you know Mr Schmidt? Kennst du Herrn Schmidt?


Ladies and gentlemen! Meine Damen und Herren!





das Genie ‘Genius’


die Kreativität ‘Creativity’


die Müdigkeit ‘Tiredness’


die Intelligenz ‘Intelligence’












have a nice study…


Let’s learn German Language!!!


Learning foreign language is always interesting. Many scientists recommend people to learn more about foreign language. Because that’s one of the way to improve the intelligence of our brain.


Last September I started to learn Deutsch (German Language-red). From now I will try to share all the knowledge about what I learned in the Deutsch course to you. I hope that you would like to enjoy it…


Well, I will not lie to you. As my experience and some other people also, learning Deutsch is not as easy as learning English. But don’t be afraid. If you learn it systematically, you will get it faster than you imagine. There are also some tips which will help you to learn this language.


Here are the basic to learn Deutsch….



Capital letters

German is a few language that use capital letters not only in the beginning the sentence. Here, all nouns must be written with a capital letter, regardless of whether they are at the beginning of a sentence or in the middle.


Different characters

The German alphabet has some characters which do not exist in the English alphabet, they are…

ß, called eszett in German, is pronounced like the normal English ‘s’


Straße [strase] : street
groß [gros] :big

ä, ö, ü, called umlauts. They change the pronunciation of a word and its meaning.

example: Mutter means ‘mother’, but Mütter is the plural form and means ‘mothers


Three genders of noun

In Deutsch, there are three kinds of gender for noun, they are masculine, feminine or neuter. This shows in their singular article: der for masculine, die for feminine, das for neuter. So, whenever you learn a new noun, always learn it with its gender. The best way to do it is to learn it with its article.


der Tisch: the table (masculine)

die Tür: the door ( feminine)

das Fenster: the window (neuter)


There are also two kinds of communication in Deutsch, formal and informal (non-formal). The formal communication is usually used when we talk to someone who are more respected, like the professor, officer, or someone who we don’t know. And informal communication is usually used when we communicate with our friends. 


Wie ist Iher name? [vii ist iier name]: What is your name? (formal)

Wie ist dein name? [vii ist dain name]: What is your name? (informal)


These all are some basics that you should know before start learning Deutsch.


In the real life conversation, make a mistake about the grammar is not a big problem. So don’t worry!! Open-mouthed smile